The Nakuru House of Power Center stands as a beacon of hope to this ravaged and war-torn region.  Born out of earnest prayer and fasting for the hundreds of thousands who live in the slums of Nakuru West, the center opened on May 21st, 2006.  Pastor Joseph and the other leaders realized that the poverty of those they would serve was likely to keep the ministry from being self-supporting.  They relied on God and began anyway.  Most who come through the church doors are in need of help.  Many rely on whatever work they can pick up by going door to door.  Some wash clothes; others provide bicycle taxis or sell small crops on the side of the road.  The House of Power Center brings the love of Jesus to the hopeless--those who have resorted to prostitution and drug trafficking to survive--orphaned children who are left to fend for themselves as young as three years of age. 

For such as these, Jesus came. The mission of the House of Power Center is quite simple: to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to demonstrate God's love by addressing the physical needs of hurting people. The Nakuru House of Power Center is:
·A place of deliverance and counseling
·A place of mentoring and equipping believers to serve God by serving others--their brothers and sisters in Christ, their church, community and region
·A place to improve social and independent living skills (including education for orphans and children of low income families)
·A resource to find available food, clean water and clothing through distribution centers; and medical assistance through various health clinics and hospitals

Nakaru House of Power Center
Nakuru is a place most westerners would only discover if they were planning an East African safari.  Known for the vast numbers of flamingoes and other wildlife in the Lake Nakuru National Park, these beautiful images are in stark contrast to the realities of daily life for many of the 1.6 million people who live in the surrounding area.  Nakuru is the fourth largest city in Kenya and is situated about 100 miles northwest of Nairobi.
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